Sbi Quick Missed Call Banking - Personal Banking
Sbi Quick Missed Call Banking
SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking
SBI Quick – MISSED CALL BANKING is a free service from the Bank where in you can get your Account Balance, Mini Statement and more just by giving a Missed Call or sending an SMS with pre-defined keywords to pre-defined mobile numbers from your registered mobile number. Please ensure that your mobile number is updated in your account to be able to register for this service
If you have an Android, Windows, iOS or Blackberry phone, you can download SBI Quick app from the respective App Store. Various services of SBI Quick facility are available in pre-login section itself. With this app you need not remember the various keywords and destination mobile numbers. Once app is installed, internet connection is not required to use SBI Quick, as the communication would happen over SMS or Missed Call. Note that mobile app is not mandatory for using this facility.
Send SMS, ‘REG Account Number’ to 07208933148
e.g. REG 12345678901
from the registered mobile no for that particular account. Confirmation message will be received indicating successful/unsuccessful registration.
If successful then you can start using the services.
If unsuccessful:
- Check the SMS format and destination mobile number
- Ensure that your mobile number from which the SMS is sent, is updated with the Bank for that account number. If not, visit your Branch and update the same.
Balance Enquiry
To get the last ‘clear’ balance on the account.
You may give a Missed Call or send an SMS ‘BAL’ to 919223766666
MOD Balance Enquiry
Send SMS “MODBAL” to “919223766666” to get available balance and MOD balance as response through SMS
Mini Statement
To get the Mini Statement i.e. last 5 transactions on the account.
You may give a Missed Call or send an SMS ‘MSTMT’ to 919223766666
Cheque Book Request Acknowledgement
Send message "CHQREQ" to 917208933145
You will receive an SMS. Send consent SMS (CHQACCY6 digit no. received in SMS) to 917208933145 within 2 hours of receipt of SMS for further processing.
Cheque Book Request
Send message "CHQREQ" to 917208933145 You will receive an SMS. Send consent SMS (CHQACCY6 digit no. received in SMS) to 09223588888 within 2 hours of receipt of SMS for further processing
E-Statement – last 6 month
You can avail e-statement for last 6 months of your Savings Bank account. The statement will be sent on your registered email ID with password encrypted PDF file
Send an SMS ‘ESTMT <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
(Note: Code is any 4 digit number of your choice which will be used to encrypt the PDF attachment sent to your registered email address)
Education Loan Interest Certificate
To avail interest certificate of your Education Loan for the Financial Year.
Send SMS ELI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
(Note: Code is any 4 digit number of your choice which will be used to encrypt the PDF attachment sent to your registered email address)
Home Loan Interest Certificate
To avail interest certificate of your Home Loan for the Financial Year
Send SMS HLI <space> <Account Number> <space> <code> to 917208933145
(Note: Code is any 4 digit number of your choice which will be used to encrypt the PDF attachment sent to your registered email address)
ENROLL Positive Pay System (PPS)
You can enrol the cheque details in positive pay system. One time registration from SBI Branch is required before using the same. You can approach any SBI Branch register to your Account to avail this facility. Once registered for this feature, it is required to submit the details of issued cheques to Bank through various electronic Channel (as made available by Bank) . You can send the following details from your registered mobile no to 07208933145
SMS format.
CHQL Cheque No Amount Date of issuance(ddmmyyyy) Y/N (Multi City/Normal) Beneficiary Name. You will get the SMS based confirmation message from Bank regarding the status of Cheque details lodgement.
Full list of Services
Send SMS “HELP” to “917208933145” to get full list of services as response through SMS.
Language Change (Hindi/English)
For Language Change (Hindi/English) send message Hindi for Hindi language & English for English language to 917208933148
Now you can generate your ATM Card PIN through an SMS.
Send SMS from registered mobile number in the below format,
PIN CCCC AAAA to 567676
Where XXXX is the last 4 digits of ATM Card number and YYYY is last 4 digits of the Account Number.
OTP will be send on your registered number
OTP must be used to change the SBI Debit Card PIN at any ATM within 2 days as OTP will be valid for 2 days only. Recommended to be done within 24 hours.
To get latest features of loan products
SMS ‘HOME’ /‘CAR’/ ‘Personal’/ ‘Gold’ / ‘SME’ to 917208933145
You will receive an instant SMS advising the features of the service. You may give a Missed Call to following numbers for:
917208933140 for Home Loan
917208933141 for Car Loan
917208933143 for Gold Loan
917208933142 for Personal Loan
917208933144 for SME
Our representative will also call you to assist in filling up the details for Loan.
Registered SBI Quick Customers can do Recharge of the Same registered mobile No by sending a SMS on 917208933145. This is a two-step process.
In first step you have to send a SMS
MOBRCService Provider Recharge_amount
Daily limit per user is capped at Rs 700 and monthly limit at Rs.1000
After successful processing of first Step Message you will receive a confirmation message with 6 digit OTP
Once the SMS is received you have to send a SMS on 917208933145
MOBACC 6 digit OTP
This SMS has to be sent within 10 minutes of receiving the OTP message.
Once the second step message gets received, your account will get debited by respective amount and recharge will be processed. You will also get a confirmation SMS from your Telecom Operator.
For Mobile Topup/ Recharge confirmation send message " MOBACC OTP" to 917208933145
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) & Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
You can now register for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) by an SMS from the SBI Quick App. As there are more than 3 data items to be provided, it is advisable that this service be availed through the SBI Quick App only.
Note that Prime Minister’s Social Security Schemes can also be availed of by visiting your nearest SBI Branch.
You can de-register from SBI Quick through the following process
SMS ‘DREG ’ to 917208933148
You will receive a confirmation message indicating successful/unsuccessful de-registration.
- If successful then you will not be able to use the services till you register again.
- If unsuccessful check the format and destination mobile number and try again.
- For 6 digit number i.e. 567676 premium charges will apply.
- For 10 digit numbers, SMS charges will be as per customer’s mobile bill plan.
- For Missed Call, there is no charge. If the customers listens to IVR of 3 seconds which will be played after 4-5 rings, then customer will be charged as per customer’s mobile bill plan for 3 seconds
Send SMS, ‘REG Account Number’ to 918422833333
e.g. REG 12345678901
from the registered mobile no for that particular account. Confirmation message will be received indicating successful/unsuccessful registration.
If successful then you can start using the services.
If unsuccessful:
- Check the SMS format and destination mobile number
- Ensure that your mobile number from which the SMS is sent, is updated with the Bank for that account number. If not, visit your Branch and update the same.
You can de-register from SBI Quick through the following process
SMS ‘DREG ’ to 918422833333
You will receive a confirmation message indicating successful/unsuccessful de-registration.
If successful then you will not be able to use the services till you register again. If unsuccessful check the format and destination mobile number and try again.
- For 6 digit number i.e. 567676 premium charges will apply.
- For 10 digit numbers, SMS charges will be as per customer’s mobile bill plan.
- For Missed Call, there is no charge. If the customers listens to IVR of 3 seconds which will be played after 4-5 rings, then customer will be charged as per customer’s mobile bill plan for 3 seconds
- To get the last ‘clear’ balance on the account.
You may give a Missed Call or send an SMS ‘BAL’ to 919220055222
- To get the Mini Statement i. e. last 5 transactions on the account.
You may give a Missed Call or send an SMS ‘MSTMT’ to 919220055333
- Send SMS “MODBAL” to “919220055222” to get available balance and MOD balance as response through SMS.
- Send SMS “HELP” to “918108511111” to get full list of services as response through SMS.
ATM Card Blocking
You can block the ATM Card linked to the registered account in case of loss/theft. To block atm card, send an SMS from registered mobile number as ‘BLOCKXXXX’ to 567676 (XXXX represents last 4 digit of the card number).
On acceptance of the request for blocking, you will get a confirmatory SMS alert that contains the ticket number, date and time of blocking. Note that ATM Card can also be blocked through the following means:
- By calling State Bank Contact Centre.
- By visiting any nearest State Bank Branch
- By logging on to OnlineSBI (only for personal segment customers).
ATM Card Switch On/Off usage at PoS, ATM, etc.
You can now control your ATM Card channel of usage by sending an SMS from your registered mobile number. You can choose to activate/deactivate usage at ATM, POS, E-Commerce
Send an SMS ‘SWON/SWOFF ATM/POS/ECOM/INTL/DOM/NFC xxxx(last 4 digits(5 digits in case of NFC) of Customer's debit card no). to 918422933333
SWON: Switch on
Swoff: Switch off
E.g. SWON POS 1234 to activate POS usage
SWOFF INTL 1234 to deactivate International usage
On acceptance of the request for activation/deactivation, you will get a confirmatory SMS alert that contains the reference number, date and time of request. Note that ATM Card usage can also be controlled through the following means:
- Through the State Bank Anywhere mobile app.
- By logging on to OnlineSBI (only for personal segment customers).
What If you have two account numbers with the Bank with the same mobile number mentioned on both?
You can register for SBI Quick for only one account at any point of time. If you want to change the mapped account number, you have to de-register SBI Quick from the first account and then register for the second one.
Is it mandatory that the mobile number to be used for SBI Quick has to be registered with the Bank for that particular account?
Yes. If not done, visit your Home Branch and update your mobile number for that account.
Is it available for all types of Accounts?
SBI Quick is available for SB/CA/OD/CC accounts.
How is this facility different from State Bank Anywhere or State Bank Freedom?
There are 2 distinct differences:
- You don’t need a Login ID, Password to use this facility. Just one time registration from the mobile number recorded with Bank for that particular Account.
- SBI Quick does not provide any financial transactional services. Unlike State Bank Anywhere or State Bank Freedom there are no transaction services available.
Is there any limit of the number of enquiries that can be made in a day/month?
As of now there is no such restriction. Unlimited
Last Updated On : Thursday, 01-09-2022

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above