Open MACT Claims SB Account Online in India | SBI - Personal Banking
Motor Accidents Claim Account (MACT)
Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT) is to credit the compensation amount/Interest on MACAD (Motor Accident Claim Annuity Deposit) awarded by a Tribunal/Court to victims/claimants of motor accident.
- Existing SB Interest Rate applicable
- Nomination Facility for individual only
- Passbook facility is available
- Welcome Kit
- Cheque Book facility available *
- ATM cum Debit Card available *
- Internet Banking available *
*These facilities will be available with the permission of the court only. By default, such facilities would not be made available.
- All Individuals including Minors (through guardian) having valid KYC documents are eligible to open account in single name.
Other conditions
- A suitable certificate /undertaking (enclosed as Annexure II) that “funds are being withdrawn for the benefit of the Minor” to be obtained from the guardian, in case of withdrawal from the Minor’s account.
- The operations in the account should be stopped in the event of the death of the guardian.
- Compliance of KYC guidelines to be meticulously ensured.
Last Updated On : Wednesday, 09-02-2022

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above
Savings Accounts Landing Page
Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account

- Features
- Eligibility
- Terms and Conditions

Interest Rates
2.70% p.a.
less than Rs.10 Cr. w.e.f 15.10.22
3.00% p.a.
Rs.10 Cr. and above w.e.f 15.10.22
2.70% p.a.
Balance below Rs. 10 crs
3.00% p.a.
Balance Rs. 10 crores and above