Cash @ SBI - Personal Banking

We offer our esteemed customers multiple ways of withdrawing cash. You can walk into one of our 17000+ branches during working hours and deposit or withdraw cash, or you can use the convenience of our Group's over 64,000+ ATMs to withdraw cash at any time. In addition, we have Cash@POS arrangements with thousands of stores and petrol pumps across the country from where you can draw a reasonable amount of cash by swiping your debit card at the POS machines in these outlets. To add to this vast network, we have several thousand Customer Service Points (CSPs), located largely in rural and other unbanked areas, many of whom offer micro-ATM services, which is similar to Cash@POS service. To add to your convenience, the CSPs also offer Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) using which you can withdraw cash by providing your Aadhaar number and fingerprint from your Aadhaar-seeded account held in any participating bank.
Thus, SBI provides you several lakh touch points across the length and breadth of the country, from metros to remote rural areas, from where you can draw cash. Enjoy our Cash@SBIservice!
Last Updated On : Thursday, 25-01-2024